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Converse Bank has reduced the interest rate on project lending

August 06,2021 19:20

Converse Bank has revised the terms of loans refinanced by the National Mortgage Company, reducing the lending rate by 0.5% for some groups.

The offer is available to cardholders of Converse Bank and users of Mobile Bank application.

The condition for the advance payment amount was also revised: from now on, the customer can make an advance payment of 10% of the purchase price, and submit an insurance certificate for 20%.

For almost 4 consecutive years, Converse Bank has been one of the leaders in Armenia in terms of loan portfolio refinanced by the National Mortgage Company and under Affordable Housing for Youth program. This has been made possible due to flexible loan policies and competitive lending conditions. The bank tracks the market trends and regularly reviews lending terms, offering customers competitive financing terms.

To learn more about the details, conditions, exceptions and additional opportunities of lending here

The oversight of the bank is exercised by the Central Bank.

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