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Why the Armenia alliance wanted the chair position of the National Assembly Standing Committee on Defense and Security Affairs: Aram Vardevanyan

August 09,2021 14:44

Armenia alliance faction deputy Aram Vardanyan believes that the parliament’s activities are incomprehensible; in any case, he sees double standards from the National Assembly leadership. “I am a new deputy, and I cannot make comparisons based on my experience, but the double standards are very obvious. If I or other opposition deputies hold speeches, different noises and sounds are heard throughout the hall, but no remarks, warnings, or especially disciplinary measures are taken. “When it is done by an opposition figure, not only there is an immediate response, but also a disciplinary measure is applied,” Aram Vardevanyan told reporters, adding that he does not see any logic in that and the application of the disciplinary measures defined by the NA Rules of Procedure is exceptional and for extraordinary situations, while the NA leadership uses it against the opposition inappropriately.

The issue of the candidacy of the chairpersons of the NA standing committees is being discussed in the parliament. Aram Vardevanyan answered the question of one of the journalists in this regard. “In any case, the faction has made such a decision. Of course, you also know that we made a public demand that the Committee on Defense and Security Affairs be given to the opposition, which, of course, was possible and there were no obstacles, but we saw what we saw.”

Aram Vardevanyan believes that it is logical that the Armenia alliance was not included in any committee discussions, which is immediately understandable. He believes that the opposite would have been confusing. And the purpose of the proposal submitted to the Committee on Defense and Security Affairs was that the commissions of inquiry on war issues be formed in that very committee. As for why the priority was given to the Economic Commission instead of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Aram Vardevanyan reiterated that it was the decision of the faction, taking into account the efficiency of the use of force and the capabilities of the faction. Regarding the I Have Honor alliance’s proposal to form a commission on Artsakh’s affairs, which also was not passed due to the fact that the ruling party abstained from voting, Aram Vardevanyan said, “These authorities abstain from Artsakh. Their abstinence showed their position, approach, and behavior to issues pertaining to Artsakh.” He spoke about how Armenia’s high-ranking officials did not visit Artsakh after the war in 2020.

Nelly Grigoryan

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