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Presented objective evidence the video conversation of the President of Azerbaijan and Turkey’s 1st Lady confirming that Azerbaijani authorities keep Armenian PoWs for political purposes

August 11,2021 12:22

Yesterday, the Human Rights Defender of Armenia was a panelist along with Law Professors at a discussion dedicated to the issue of Armenian PoWs and missing persons illegally held in Azerbaijan.

The event was organized by Columbia University; Program on Peace-building & Rights Institute for Study of Human Rights Columbia University (Prof. David Phillips).

Highlighted, inter alia, that All Armenian captives currently held by Azerbaijan were captured during armed conflict. According to into humanitarian int’l law, they are POWs, and thus the Azerbaijani authorities must immediately release them. Armenia has already returned all Azerbaijani captives.

Presented objective evidence, including the video conversation of the President of Azerbaijan and Turkey’s 1st Lady confirming that Azerbaijani authorities keep Armenian PoWs for political purposes and return them by portions given the political discussions (exchange with maps). This video conversation confirms that all trials in Azerbaijan are artificial and have no grounds!


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