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‘When Maria Karapetyan, who celebrates Nowruz with our enemies, doubts our patriotism, it is incomprehensible’: Mamijanyan

August 11,2021 15:05

“It is incomprehensible to me how Maria Karapetyan, who celebrates Nowruz with dances and laughter with our enemies, doubts our patriotism,” I Have Honor alliance deputy Hayk Mamijanyan said in response to Civil Contract deputy Maria Karapetyan during the National Assembly session.

“Mrs. Karapetyan, you spoke about Serzh Sargsyan during your speech today. It’s wonderful that you started to read Serzh Sargsyan’s speeches, but read and quote from them in their entirety. His speech in Kazan was about the three indivisible documents, of which all three had important points for Armenia,” Hayk Mamijanyan said. In his opinion, Maria Karapetyan was referring to points about the Artsakh issue that are generally taken out of context. “But more about that later.” Mamijanyan said that Maria Karapetyan expressed doubt about whether it is possible to fight the international front with this kind of opposition. “Meanwhile, the Republican Youth Organization made tougher statements during the war than the parliament did.”

Luiza Sukiasyan

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