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Many security guards in the National Assembly hall: Passions have intensified

August 11,2021 19:00

“When you make calls to be more constructive, remember your political leader, who said that he will take the opposition and send them to hell,” the Vice Speaker of the National Assembly Ishkan Saghatelyan said, appealing to the NA Speaker Alen Simonyan, who reprimanded the opposition after the incident with I Have Honor deputy Anna Mkrtchyan. Saghatelyan noted, “Sit down and listen.

The NA Speaker is obligated to organize the activities of the parliament. You do not have any more authority than any of the deputies.” Alen Simonyan responded, “The people have already responded to your claims of who is the capitulator and the land-giver.” People got upset. Alen Simonyan reprimanded Agnesa Khamoyan and Armen Rustamyan from the Armenia alliance.

“It’s not a matter of ‘get on with it,’” Alen Simonyan said in response to Rustamyan’s objections. “Calm Narek down. Narek Grigoryan, do not get up from your seat anymore,” he continued, addressing the Civil Contract. Anger and passions intensified. Alen Simonyan invited the security officers inside. By his order, the livestream was turned off.

Luiza Sukiasyan

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