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Azerbaijani fire towards the Sotk mine continues

August 18,2021 12:22

Azerbaijani fire towards the Sotk mine continues. The representative of the Geopromining company that operates the mine, Ruzanna Grigoryan, spoke about this with Aravot Daily on August 17th. She said that the shots were irregular and they began at 3 PM. According to Grigoryan, the new shift consisting of 200 employees was working, and all of them were immediately evacuated from the mine. The frontline, however, passes through the mine, and the company was carrying out activities in the portion of the mine that is under Armenian control.

According to Grigoryan, work will continue when Azerbaijan ceases shooting. According to the Geopromining company’s security department’s project, as Ruzanna Grigoryan said, the appropriate transport is constantly available so that the employees can be immediately evacuated. “We are also removing the technology from that location so that it will not become a target. Our company’s security department developed an appropriate plan for this situation. We also prepared the employees on how they should react in such a situation, as well as how to leave the mine in a way that prevents panic.” Over the course of one month, according to the company representative, this is the 5th time the enemy has opened fire toward the mine.

Nelly Babayan

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