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Armenia, Artsakh FMs emphasize need to restart NK conflict resolution process

August 20,2021 20:02

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan held a phone conversation with his counterpart from Artsakh Davit Babayan.

Mirzoyan and Babayan underscored the importance of further developing the effective cooperation and holding regular consultations between the foreign ministries, the foreign ministry said in a readout.

The foreign ministers emphasized the need for restarting the peaceful resolution process of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict and a comprehensive and lasting settlement within the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmanship. They also discussed the current situation which was created as a result of the Azeri-Turkish aggression and the ongoing efforts for addressing the humanitarian crisis in Artsakh.

The inadmissibility of Azeri military provocations at the borders of Armenia and Artsakh – which is a serious threat for regional peace and stability – was underscored during the conversation.

Artsakh Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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