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13 families resettled in Artsakh’s Kolatak

August 21,2021 17:05

The community of Kolatak of Artsakh’s Martakert region has 345 inhabitants.
All the residents have returned after the war. The head of the community, Seyran Avanesyan told “Artsakhpress”.

“13 families have been resettled in the village. Houses have been renovated for them. The village school has been reopened since December. The school has 52 students, this academic year the number of schoolchildren will increase by 25. We do not have a kindergarten, but we have 25 pre-school children.

We have a community center, an aid station but they need repair. Before the war, the celebrity hall was being renovated, after the war the renovation has resumed. The building will be ready in about a week.

The rural roads are in a deplorable condition. In summer we have a problem with irrigation water. The village is provided with electricity but it is not gasified.

Speaking about the employment of the villagers, he noted that the majority of the population is engaged in cattle breeding and agriculture.


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