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There is one origin of advocacy of violence and atmosphere of hatred in Armenia, and that origin is the Civil Contract Party led by Nikol Pashinyan

August 25,2021 10:03

Joint statement of “Armenia” and “With honor” parliamentary factions

The “With Honor” and “Armenia” opposition factions of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia condemn the embarrassing violence used against deputies of the National Assembly in parliament today.

We record that August 24th will become one of the most shameful pages in the history of parliaments when a crime was committed against democratic and parliamentary values by gross violation of the Constitution and laws within the legislature of the Republic of Armenia and by the illegal orders of a group of people who have proclaimed themselves as the authorities.

There is one origin of advocacy of violence and atmosphere of hatred in Armenia, and that origin is the Civil Contract Party led by Nikol Pashinyan.

We assure that we will be consistent with holding the criminals politically and legally liable.

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