Day newsfeed

The Azerbaijani side actively fired on the positions of Artsakh Defense Army and the Armenian peaceful communities

August 25,2021 20:02

On August 24, during the day until late at night, from the positions located near Shushi, particularly in the direction of Shosh and Mkhitarashen communities, the Azerbaijani side actively fired on the positions of Artsakh Defense Army and the Armenian peaceful communities located near them.

Fragments of various weapons from the shots fired in the direction of the Armenian positions located in front of the village of Mkhitarashen of the Askeran region reached the residential part of the village, and at around 22:00 the house of one of the residents of the community suffered from the shots fired from the Shushi direction.

Azerbaijan’s conduct once again demonstrates that Azerbaijani positions in the vicinity of peaceful communities should be removed from settlements where it is not possible to directly target civilian settlements, as they pose a direct and real threat to the lives and health of the people of Artsakh and other vital rights, as well as physical and mental immunity.
Due to the illegal actions of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces, the normal life and activities of the civilian population in the border settlements are disrupted.

I emphasize once again the need to introduce clear mechanisms for investigating incidents, which will allow prosecuting the perpetrators of incidents and preventing their recurrence.

Artsakh’s Human Rights Defender Gegham Stepanyan


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