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The EDB is interested in considerably increasing Armenia’s portfolio in the next 5 years, seriously considering the opportunities for economic investments

September 07,2021 11:15

Deputy Prime Minister Suren Papikyan receives Chairman of the EDB Management Board Nikolay Podguzov


On September 6, Deputy Prime Minister of Armenia Suren Papikyan received the Chairman of the Management Board of the Eurasian Development Bank (EDB) Nikolay Podguzov and the delegation lead by him. Greeting the guests, the Deputy Prime Minister expressed satisfaction over the productive cooperation with the EDB. He noted that the cooperation between the Armenian Government and the EDB is a good basis for the successful implementation of future joint programs.

Chairman of the Management Board of the Eurasian Development Bank (EDB) Nikolay Podguzov congratulated Suren Papikyan on assuming the post of Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia, emphasizing that the joint work and efforts of the Armenian Government and the EDB open prospects for successful economic development. He added that the EDB is interested in considerably increasing Armenia’s portfolio in the next 5 years, seriously considering the opportunities for economic investments.

The parties discussed the directions of economic development in Armenia, referring to specific sectoral programs. The prospects of the digital sphere, financial market, infrastructure, including road construction and railway capacity renewal and development were touched upon. The creation, launch and expansion of the “Journey without Covid-19” application was pointed out as the first successful example of the Armenian-Russian platform partnership.

During the meeting, the new ways of cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Armenia and the EDB were discussed, as well as the possibility of using the state-private format in that.

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