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Armenia to participate in Thessaloniki International Fair

September 12,2021 20:03

The 85th Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF), the greatest exhibition event in Greece, will be physically held at the Thessaloniki International Exhibition Centre from the 11th to 19th of September 2021, while observing all necessary hygiene protocols.

TIF will be the first major exhibition to be organized in Europe in 2021 and will set the organizational bar for all corresponding events.

Armenia is participating for 7th consecutive time in the most influential business event in Greece promoting Armenian products, tourism as well as investments in several fields of the Armenian economy focusing on agriculture, renewables, financial services and capital markets.

The widest ever range of Armenian products will be presented at the Show including the legendary brandy ArArAt, the world famous ZULAL, ARMENIA WINE, KARAS, ARAME wines, legendary ZORAH, – one of the best 10 wines of the world according to Bloomberg, the multi-award winning KILIKIA beer, JERMUK and BJNI mineral waters, NOYAN Premium juices as well as the innovative AWI Watches. Capital markets will be presented by Armenbrok, the leading brokerage firm of Armenia and its associates in Greece.

Armenia’s participation is organized by the Hellenic-Armenian Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Greece under the auspices of the Embassy of Armenia to the Hellenic Republic.

Chamber’s staff will be available at the booth to provide important information about doing business with Armenia. Due to the pandemic it is kindly recommended to arrange a meeting with the participants by messaging to our Chamber’s e-mail: thessaloniki(at)

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