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Why didn’t Armenian officials participate in Artsakh’s Independence Day? Alen Simonyan’s explanation

September 13,2021 17:30

“In the previous sessions, you exceeded your authorities and arbitrarily applied the provisions of the NA Rules of Procedure. I hope you were upset at the time for some reason, and now, judging by your relaxed attitude, you must feel better. It is interesting that during the meeting with the relatives of the POWs, we said that you are not taking the situation well, but you had a great vacation in Greece,” Aregnaz Manukyan, a member of the Armenia alliance, told Speaker of the National Assembly Alen Simonyan at the NA plenary session on Monday.

She also mentioned that on September 2, Artsakh’s Independence Day, no high-ranking official from Armenia went to Artsakh, including the NA Speaker․ “Is the reason for this Aliyev’s ban?” Alen Simonyan answered that a delegation from Armenia went to Artsakh and it was quite representative. “I have no other comments.  As for my private life, I will not respond to lies.”


Luiza Sukiasyan

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