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Senator Menendez congratulates Armenia on Independence Day

September 22,2021 18:15

US Senator Bob Menendez has addressed a video message congratulating Armenia on the Independence Day, the Armenian Foreign Ministry said.

The message says:

“It is an honor to be asked to address the Embassy of Armenia on this 30th Anniversary of Armenia’s Independence Day.

I understand that this message will be shared with the people of Armenia, so I’d like to speak to you directly.

I’d like to extend my best wishes as you observe this important milestone in your nation’s history, one made even more meaningful by the generations of Armenians who longed to see their vision of an independent Armenia realized.

It has been a long and arduous path for the people of Armenia as you struggle for freedom. You first bravely asserted your right to self-determination when the Armenian National Council declared independence in 1918, not long after Armenians joined together to resist the atrocities committed by the Ottoman Empire.

During the years of Soviet rule, you remembered the ideals that you set forth in establishing the First Republic of Armenia, a source of hope and you could once again secure a free and democratic homeland for your people.

You then voted overwhelmingly for independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, establishing a sovereign state that I am proud to stand by today as a partner and a friend. Armenians understand the importance of this history in attaining the long-sought goal of a homeland of your own.

I too believe in the importance of understanding our past as a means to inform the future. That is why I fought for many years to recognize the truth of the Armenian genocide a part of the Armenian experience denied by the descendants of those who perpetrated it.

After numerous attempts to overcome obstruction by my colleagues seeking too obscure the truth, I finally overcame this obstacle in the Senate in 2019. We recognize and in doing so, honored the victims of this tragic chapter in Armenian history. We declared “We remember” I was gratified when President Biden joined me in acknowledging the past earlier this year on Armenian Remembrance Day.

Here in the United States, we value immensely the contributions made by Armenian- Americans, with who we join in celebrating Armenian Independence Day.

In my home state of New Jersey, we are privileged to have a strong Armenian American community whose contributions I am immensely grateful for. The United States honors the robust participation of Armenian-Americans in all facets of our society and benefits from the rich culture that they share.

The United States values its relationship with Armenia, one that is founded on mutual respect and shared ideals.

On this Independence Day I want to thank you, the Armenian people for your enduring friendship.

Thank you, God bless you and happy Independence Day”.

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