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“Even today Azerbaijan continues blocking the access of humanitarian missions to Artsakh, depriving the peaceful civilians of the possibility to receive humanitarian aid”: Ararat Mirzoyan

September 24,2021 09:45

The remarks of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan at the online Ministerial meeting of the Multilateral Alliance


Within the framework of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly, the Foreign Minister of Armenia participated in and delivered remarks at an online Ministerial meeting of the Alliance for Multilateralism, where he particularly noted:

“Dear colleagues,

I appreciate the convening of this Ministerial meeting of the Alliance for Multilateralism and the opportunity to intervene.

Armenia reaffirms its strong commitment to multilateralism, which is ever more essential today in the face of growing calamities around the world.

COVID-19 pandemic continues to hinder our joint efforts in finding solutions to global challenges and reaching sustainable development goals by 2030.

We do believe that the international community has all the tools to fight the virus and contain its spread worldwide through ensuring global access to vaccine and vaccination campaigns. Armenia strongly believes that vaccine access should be equitable and fair, as vaccines are indeed a global public good and only through vaccination would we be able to overcome the still raging pandemic.

COVID-19 pandemic had a heavy impact on each and every country, hampering economic progress and worsening the security environment both regionally and globally.

The war of aggression unleashed by Azerbaijan against Nagorno-Karabakh and its people amid the global pandemic resulted in humanitarian catastrophe. Even today Azerbaijan continues blocking the access of humanitarian missions to Artsakh, depriving the peaceful civilians of the possibility to receive humanitarian aid.

As one of the main objectives of Alliance is “to protect, preserve and advance international law, including international humanitarian and human rights law” we call on all members not only to increase the pressure on Azerbaijan, in order to ensure the rights of the people of Nagorno-Karabakh and release of Armenian POWs, but also to support the efforts of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs in finding a lasting political solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

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