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“Do you know the Our Father?” Robert Kocharyan’s behavior at Yerablur during the Lord’s Prayer

September 27,2021 12:02

On the evening of September 26, a torchlight procession was organized from the statue of Garegin Nzhdeh to Yerablur with the participation of the second President of Armenia Robert Kocharyan in memory of our heroes who died in the 44-day war unleashed by Azerbaijan a year ago. The march was initiated by the members of the Armenia faction. When the marchers reached Yerablur, one of the clergymen gathered near the church and offered to say the Lord’s Prayer for the salvation of the souls of our martyred heroes.

Those present, including the deputies gathered around Robert Kocharyan- Seyran Ohanyan, Ishkhan Saghatelyan, and Vahe Hakobyan- all crossed themselves. Seyran Ohanyan even started praying aloud. And Kocharyan did not cross himself at the beginning or the end of the prayer, as if he was unaware. Robert Kocharyan was reprimanded years ago by the first president Levon Ter-Petrossian for not knowing the “Our Father.” The video of the Kocharyan-Ter-Petrossian dialogue in Goris in 1991 gave rise to a lot of discussions.

 LTP – Do you know the “Our Father”?

 RK – I am not involved in those issues.

 LTP – Do you know the “Our Father”?

 RK – I do not remember…

 LTP – When I say that you are not Armenian, you do not believe me.

 RK – I am Albanian.


After that, Kocharyan is still reminded of his words. During the candlelight vigil, they drew parallels with Jesus Christ. “Christ died, but Christ prevailed. Christ did not come to save himself; he came to save humanity. He really won. Christ overcame sin, injustice, dishonesty, blasphemy, betrayal, servitude, and servitude. Christ overcame all these vicious phenomena on the cross. Christ says whoever wants to be my disciple, let him take up his cross and follow me. Our martyred soldiers took the cross on their shoulders and followed Christ. The martyrdom of our fellow soldiers was in the example of Christ. Our soldiers were not killed to save themselves. If someone fights or fights for his own interests, if his own interests are endangered, he will flee the battlefield. Our Armenian soldiers did not leave the battlefield under the threat of death. Because their war was a war for the rights of our homeland, for our sanctities. There are people who live but have long since stopped living. Our martyred brothers and sisters will live forever in our hearts, in the prayers of our church, in the cries of our children, in the tears of joy of our mothers, in our unity, in the building and strengthening of our country. Today we have come here to confirm that there were losers in this war, but those losers were not our soldiers. They became light in the sky like the lights in our hands. Today we have come to make a decision: if we decide to remain in mourning, we will remain in mourning, and if we decide that the heart of every martyred soldier beats in our hearts and in our work, it will be so. We decide to make the life of our soldier brothers a reality, to make it a business, to be united, to build our sweet homeland.”

The marchers placed their torches on the tombstones of the fallen soldiers.


Hripsime Jebejyan

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