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“The fact that the Azerbaijani and Turkish delegations voted against the resolution reaffirms that this is a more favorable resolution for us”

October 05,2021 17:30

The head of the Armenian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), Ruben Rubinyan, is satisfied not only with the work of the current delegation, but also with the previous one.  In a conversation with Aravot, Ruben Rubinyan said, “In general, the adopted resolution is beneficial for us, therefore I appreciate the work.”

In response to our opinion that many people think that there are many open points in the resolution, for example, the document presents the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan, while it is between Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh.  “It is natural that the resolution should not have been adopted unequivocally, that a part of the opposition or some opposition figures have started to convince people that it was a disgraceful diplomatic defeat. Of course, an attempt was made, and it was successful at the most important point.” Ruben Rubinyan said that they managed to change the title of the resolution and detailed, “Contrary to Azerbaijan’s attempts not only in the PACE, but also in the international arena to erase and forget the words NK conflict, we managed to do something that very little succeeds in the PACE: change the title of the resolution and add the term NK conflict.”

In response to our statement about how there are allegations that this was a resolution made by a political decision, a political body, which will not leave any consequences, and in response to the question of therefore, how expedient was it to spend so many resources, Ruben Rubinyan answered, “The statements that this is a political resolution are true, because all PACE resolutions first of all have a political impact. They have no force of law. But at the same time, the political impact of the resolution is also significant. I do not think that this formula alone will solve all our problems. I think we should be active in the international arena in general and try to have as many such resolutions as possible and thus increase the international pressure on Azerbaijan.”

We added, but Azerbaijan also managed to “conduct” any of its corrections, Ruben Rubinyan responded, “You will not find any organization or resolution in the whole world where the changes proposed by only one of the parties are accepted. But most of the changes we have proposed have been accepted, some have not been accepted, and in the case of Azerbaijan most of them have not been accepted, a small part has been accepted. It is important to consider the nature of the changes. We focused mainly on the title change, which we achieved. The fact that the Azerbaijani and Turkish delegations voted against the resolution speaks for itself and reaffirms that this is a more favorable resolution for us.”


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