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Andranik Kocharyan to Robert Kocharyan: “If he knows about the deal, no one is preventing him from informing the preliminary investigation body”

October 06,2021 12:45

“In the 1990s, we suffered many casualties on the Goris-Kapan road. All the enemy bases were destroyed, but today we have a different reality and we must move while taking that reality into account,” the chair of the NA Standing Committee on Defense and Security, Andranik Kocharyan, told reporters in parliament, adding that if we do not learn from our defeat and build our agenda in such a way that we can pass that way safely, naturally, we will constantly talk about those dangers.

“We told our people a lot that we are going to drink tea in Baku and that we have the most efficient army. We did our best to make the most efficient army in the world like that,” the pro-government MP added, speaking about the security of the Goris-Kapan road. Andranik Kocharyan did not comment on the statement of the second president Robert Kocharyan that the war began as a result of the current government’s failed negotiations and ended with an agreement. “If he knows about the deal, no one is preventing him from informing the preliminary investigation body.”

Nelly Grigoryan

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