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Andrea Wiktorin: EU ready to be mediator between Armenia and Azerbaijan, if they wish

October 13,2021 10:00

If Armenia and Azerbaijan express the desire, the European Union is ready to be a mediator in the negotiations between Armenia and Azerbaijan. This is what Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Armenia Andrea Wiktorin told reporters in Khachik village and recalled that the process obviously needs to take place within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group, informs, citing A1+.
Wiktorin added that the EU is also ready to be a mediator in case issues of demarcation and delimitation emerge and, again, upon the consent of Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Asked if the European Union isn’t concerned about the processes unfolding in Syunik Province, particularly the situation regarding the Goris-Kapan motorway, the Ambassador said it is definitely concerned since it concerns human lives.

In June, Head of the EU Delegation to Armenia Andrea Wiktorin visited Syunik Province to assess the humanitarian situation on the spot.

In response to A1+’s question on how she would assess the fact that the maximum threshold for compensation for insult will be raised from AMD 1,000,000 to AMD 3,000,000 and from AMD 2,000,000 to AMD 6,000,000 for defamation in Armenia, the Ambassador stated that the EU will follow the processes and assured that the EU attaches importance and will continue to attach importance to freedom of speech and independence of the media.

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