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“20,434 people were displaced from Artsakh, and 724 people moved abroad”: Mikayel Virabyan

October 13,2021 17:30

“First of all, the notion of a social catastrophe has been prevented. But there are problems that are interconnected,” Mikayel Virabyan, the head of the operative headquarters of the Artsakh government in Armenia, said during the “Displaced and Occupied Hadrut: One Year Later” discussion. The discussion was organized by the Armenia faction.

Virabyan noted that 5,294 families were displaced from Artsakh – 20,434 people. This is only the data the headquarters has. Public administration departments operate within the headquarters, which provide state services to the displaced. He noted that in August-September, there were many problems related to the placement of children in schools with an extraordinary quota. But the problem of placement in kindergartens is still unresolved. This problem existed in Yerevan before for the people of Yerevan. The next issue is healthcare. Virabyan said that during the last month, there have been problems with state-funded surgery. First of all, the applications that are urgent are satisfied. Planned or non-life-threatening interventions will be in the first quarter of next year. “In the last ten days, 714 people from Artsakh- 50 families- 319 of whom were minors, moved to Armenia. 724 displaced persons moved abroad.”

Armenia faction MP Gegham Nazaryan asked if the displaced had status. Virabyan answered that they are citizens of the Republic of Armenia, and their passports mention the Republic of Armenia, so there is no question of status.


Hripsime Jebejyan

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