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The Indifference Of The International Community To Artsakh Seriously Jeopardizes The Practical Significance Of The Human Rights Agenda

October 15,2021 18:44
On October 14, Azerbaijani Armed Forces opened fire on the bases of the Defense Army of the Republic of Artsakh, as a result of which 6 servicemen were wounded. Two of the servicemen were in critical condition as assessed by the doctors․ In the morning I visited the Stepanakert Military Hospital and the Republican Medical Center and got acquainted with their situation ․ Their lives are not in danger after the operations.
On October 15, the Azerbaijani side also targeted the ambulance of the Artsakh Defense Army, with no casualties. In connection with this incident, it should be noted that the Azerbaijani side not only once again grossly violated the ceasefire, but also clearly targeted an object carrying out a humanitarian function, which is under special protection under international law.
The recorded incidents once again prove the aggressive, impudent behavior of the Azerbaijani side, its intention to use force, by all means, to disrupt the normal life in Artsakh, evict the Armenians, and ethnically cleanse the Armenians of Artsakh.
It’s noteworthy that the Azerbaijani armed forces directly targeted those positions of the Defense Army of Artsakh which are located a few meters away from the civil settlements of Nor Shen. This proves that Armenian servicemen carry out exclusively the function of protecting the right to life and health of the civilian population while the Azerbaijani military positions located near our peaceful settlements are a direct threat due to their aggressive behavior. Their immediate removal is indispensable for protecting the rights of the civilian population, particularly the right to life.
At the same time, the Russian Peacekeeping Forces deployed in Artsakh and international mediators should not have the function of post-factum recording the incidents but, should carry out the authority and responsibility for proper investigating the incidents and preventing their recurrence․ On that account, from the point of view of real peacekeeping, the permanent presence of the Russian peacekeepерs in all the bordering communities of Artsakh is crucial.
Recorded incidents are another proof of the fact that Azerbaijani theses on peaceful coexistence are false, lack of real goals in that direction, aimed at pulling the wool over the eyes of the international community and the parties interested in the settlement of the Azerbaijani-Karabakh conflict.
Azerbaijani statements on peaceful coexistence are nothing but hollow words covering the Azerbaijani anti-Armenian, genocidal-fascist agenda.
International organizations, individual states should look with open eyes at the current situation, the real goals, and actions of the parties not giving in to Azerbaijani manipulations.
Their indifference finally shatters the international agenda of human rights protection, jeopardizes its practical significance, turning it into a beautiful bunch of words without real desire and determination to protect it.
Artsakh’s Human Rights Defender Gegham Stepanyan

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