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There will be a closed discussion on the border situation in the National Assembly: The Foreign Minister will not participate

October 26,2021 15:00

“According to the NA Rules of Procedure, at least 1/5 of the deputies of the parliament proposed in an official letter to hold a discussion on the urgent topic fueling public interest- ‘The situation on the Armenian-Azerbaijani contact line and demarcation issues’ in a closed session. The proposal must be accepted by the majority of votes,” announced the Vice Speaker of the National Assembly Ruben Rubinyan at Tuesday’s session. The decision was adopted by 63 votes in favor.

According to Rubinyan, in connection with this issue, it was proposed to give the right of an adjacent report during the closed discussion to the First Deputy General Staff of the RA Armed Forces Kamo Kochunts and the Commander of the NSS Border Troops Arman Maralchyan. The decision was adopted with 86 votes in favor.

Artsvik Minasyan from the Armenia alliance asked,”We offered to invite the Foreign Minister as well. Many questions are related to his field.” Rubinyan answered that he had passed the opposition’s proposal to the government and the government considered it necessary to send the aforementioned officials to the National Assembly for a closed discussion.

Luiza Sukiasyan

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