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Pashinyan shouts at the opposition: “72% of Artsakh was a subject of bargaining during your rule”. (Video)

October 28,2021 12:15

“I am surprised that in this hall, the Armenia alliance speaks about the loss of Artsakh’s subjectivity. Sorry, you left Artsakh out of the negotiating table and this is an internationally registered fact. Or you say that 72% of the territory of Artsakh is occupied, sorry, that 72% was the subject of bargaining during your rule, why didn’t you vote?” Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said during the National Assembly-government questions and answers session, appealing to the opposition deputies. Then he again accused the representatives of the previous government of the fact that “Azerbaijani border” is written in the 2010 law on administrative-territorial division signed.

“You accuse us of what we signed on November 9. Don’t you know that the price to stop the war was to agree to return all those territories? The facts will be revealed in the near future, and we will see if you were able to start a war sooner or not. When the current NA Deputy Speaker of your faction came on the 19th of the month, I was also saying at what price we are going to stop the war, why didn’t you ask how can that be,” Nikol Pashinyan continued, shouting.

He said, “Your party was negotiating to hand over 72% of the homeland in 1998-2016.” In response, the deputies of the I Have Honor and Armenia alliances were shouting from their seats, but they could not be heard. “Enough is enough, conspiracy, yes, conspiracy,” said Nikol Pashinyan. An offer was made to meet and talk from the opposition.  Pashinyan said that he would meet them with pleasure because it is not possible to discuss the answers to some questions openly.

Luiza Sukiasyan

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