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“You are the sellers, you are the traitors, you are the capitulators”: Nikol Pashinyan to the opposition

October 28,2021 13:45

“Where is the 5 billion dollars? Why don’t they come to the sessions? You have something to say, you go here and there and talk about 5 billion, they gave and sold it… I say, you are the sellers, you are the traitors, you are the capitulators. We must prove what happened,” said Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan during the NA-Government questions and answers session on October 27th, answering Aram Vardevanyan’s questions from the Armenia alliance. “And how many millions of dollars were in your boss’ account at the time? How much money was there at the expense of our sons?” he asked, indignant at the deputy’s question about the day before the war.

Luiza Sukiasyan

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