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Council of Europe Secretary General calls on Armenia and Azerbaijan to immediately calm tensions

November 16,2021 22:22

Strasbourg, 16.11.2021 – The Secretary General of the 47-nation Council of Europe, Marija Pejčinović Burić, has made the following statement concerning relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan:

“I am deeply concerned about reports of on-going incidents between Armenia and Azerbaijan that have already cost human lives.

“On behalf of the Council of Europe, I call on both sides to immediately stop the renewed escalation of hostilities.

“When joining our organisation more twenty years ago, both Armenia and Azerbaijan committed themselves to solving conflict by peaceful means. This commitment remains unchanged and must be strictly respected.

“The Council of Europe reiterates its full support to the Co-Chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group in their continuing efforts to help Armenia and Azerbaijan find a peaceful solution to their differences.

“We stand ready to facilitate dialogue between these two member states, with a view to building confidence and promoting reconciliation.”

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