Day newsfeed

Service apartments for contract soldiers without property: new project

December 02,2021 16:25

Taguhi Tovmasyan, Chair of the NA Committee on Human Rights Protection and Public Affairs, organized a discussion on the draft amendments to the Law on Military Service and the Status of a Soldier.

The draft proposes that contract soldiers should be provided with service housing if they need housing at the place of their service. If the contract soldier does not have a residential building at least 30 km away from the place of service, or does not have a permanent, actual place of residence at the same distance, they can make use of this opportunity.

Taguhi Tovmasyan clarified that the need for this project arose as 51 soldiers who had received compensation from the government were charged. “The problem is that the apartment owners do not agree to sign a lease and have to sign a lease for another area, even though they actually live in another area. Law enforcement found that there was a violation and initiated criminal cases.” The MP stated that this norm to provide compensation was intended to provide social guarantees for contract soldiers, but the application of the law causes problems. Some soldiers pleaded guilty but had to break the law. Now it is suggested that the soldiers should no longer be obliged to submit a lease agreement. It is sufficient to submit a certificate that they do not have property or a house, and they are not registered somewhere.


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