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OPEC Fund Partners Ameriabank to Address Problems and Help to Improve the Life of People in Armenia. T. Alnassar.

December 02,2021 17:05

Tareq Alnassar, OPEC Fund Assistant Director-General, Private Sector and Trade Finance Operations, talks about OPEC Fund’s partnership with Ameriabank, projects implemented by the fund, private sector support and the SME development strategy of the Armenian government. “Ameriabank is a pioneer bank.

It’s a market leader. And of course this comes with the huge responsibility. So, they set the standard, they set the stage for other banks to come later on. I think last year they issued the green bond. This is a precedent, I think this is really a landmark for the country and for the financial sector”. – said Mr. Alnassar in an interview.

Watch the full interview here.

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