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“We transport goods in the same way as Azerbaijan, what do you call this now – a corridor or a kitchen or an alley?” Arman Yeghoyan

December 17,2021 12:22

“Why do you bring Aliyev’s words to the domestic political agenda of Armenia? Are you Aliyev’s propagandists in Armenia? Why are you asking this question? Aliyev should say so, it is in his interest,” Civil Contract MP Arman Yeghoyan told reporters in response to Aliyev’s statement that he will release the captives, but they will be tortured in Armenia.

Aliyev said in connection with the Zangezur corridor that they managed to persuade the Armenian authorities. In this regard, Yeghoyan said, “Have you seen what the RA Prime Minister said? Did you watch Charles Michel’s press conference? All your questions were answered.”

In response to the question of if there will be a corridor or not, Yeghoyan said, “It will not be from Armenia’s point of view, we will not allow it. Does Aliyev want it? Yes, he wants it. We do not want it and there is a clash of opinions.” Arman Yeghoyan responded to the observation that we present what Aliyev said as his dream, and now he says, “we managed to persuade them.”

“There is an announcement, it is written that an agreement has been reached to open the railway on a parity basis, that is, we transport goods in the same way as Azerbaijan. What do you call this now – a corridor or a kitchen or an alley?” Yeghoyan said that what is used today in the Goris-Kapan section is the opposite of a corridor; there is a customs point where they collect customs taxes.

“There will be no extraterritorial territory. The control of any centimeter of land within the RA state border will be the Republic of Armenia. How it will control that territory, in what order, by what rule, and at what customs fee, is already decided by the Republic of Armenia. There will be no extraterritorial control inside Armenia, therefore there will be no corridor… When you cross the Araks River, you are in the territory of the Republic of Armenia, any centimeter is in the territory of the Republic of Armenia. You see Russian border guards there, right? But this is about excluding extraterritorial rule.”


Hripsime Jebejyan

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