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“From the point of view of human rights, it is wrong to say that the war is over, it has been localized”: Arman Tatoyan

December 17,2021 16:44

“From the point of view of human rights, it is wrong to say that the war is over. It has been localized,” said the RA Human Rights Defender Arman Tatoyan during the presentation of the report entitled “Human Rights Violations During the 44-Day Artsakh War.” This 300-page report was prepared by Open Society Foundations – Armenia, Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Vanadzor Office, the Human Rights and Protection Fund, and the Protection of Rights Without Borders NGOs.

It thoroughly presents the war crimes, international humanitarian law, and other human rights violations that took place in the fall of 2020 during and as a result of the 44-day war unleashed by Azerbaijan against the people of Artsakh.

In particular, the report presents facts on the right to life of the people of Artsakh, the torture, ill-treatment, health, the right to respect for private and family life, violations of property rights, crimes against the environment, cultural heritage, targeting of journalists, recruitment of mercenaries, and war.

Davit Amiryan, Deputy Director for Open Society Foundations-Armenia, said that they had conducted about 900 interviews and cooperated with military experts. “With their help, we analyzed the weapons used during the war. We have cooperated with international organizations, tried to present the reality as objectively as possible. Our fact-finding report is based on the principle of accurately presenting the latest circumstance among the stories of specific people.”

Arman Tatoyan especially emphasized the involvement of civil society and direct participation in the process of protection of human rights. “Unfortunately, the very inadequate response of international organizations during the war contributed to the decline of human rights.” Substantiating his statement that the war is not over from the point of view of human rights, Arman Tatoyan said.


“The Azerbaijani armed forces have stationed themselves on the roads between our communities and near our villages. Human rights violations have intensified. People’s pastures are being set on fire, theft is being committed, and our villages are facing serious humanitarian problems. All this proves the genocidal nature of the Azerbaijani authorities. This report should be used to raise the issue of the responsibility of those who committed crimes.”

Arman Tatoyan noted with regret that human rights issues are constantly ignored, and they are militarized and politicized. “Everything is done under a military-political roof. This is not allowed. No one has the right to cut border security issues away from human rights. For example, the alternative route is praised. I have nothing to say, alternative roads are possible, and people are suffering, but those roads are visible to the naked eye by the Azerbaijani armed forces. Sniper shots were fired on the Kapan-Chakaten road in the 1990s, and due to their presence, not only the existing villages were targeted, but also new ones, such as Geghanush. People must breathe, their rights must be upheld, and these are direct rules of the OSCE, the UN. And what will be decided later through negotiations is a matter of negotiations. But human rights must be upheld.”


Tatev Harutyunyan

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