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President Arayik Harutyunyan met with representatives of the three factions of the Artsakh National Assembly

December 17,2021 22:03

On 17 December President of the Artsakh Republic Arayik Harutyunyan held separate meetings with representatives of the “Artsakh Democratic Party”, “United Homeland”, and “Free Homeland-United Civil Alliance” factions of the Artsakh Republic National Assembly within the framework of his December 10 proposal on political cooperation in the resolution of the problems facing the state.
Issues related to the solution of a number of domestic and foreign problems were on the meeting agenda with an emphasis on efficient cooperation between the political forces.

The country’s main financial document – draft State Budget for 2022, improvement of the management system efficiency and a number of other issues were touched upon during the meeting. President Harutyunyan qualified those meetings as demanded and useful in terms of organizing constructive discussions on the existing issues and exerting efforts in their solution with the involvement of all political forces.

The Office of the NKR President

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