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Arayik Harutyunyan discussed a number of issues with representatives of the Hadrout regional administration and heads of communities

December 24,2021 10:15

On 23 December Artsakh Republic President Arayik Harutyunyan received representatives of the Hadrout regional administration and a group of community heads.

Issues related to the population forcibly displaced in the aftermath of the hostilities against Artsakh in 2020, who temporarily sheltered in different settlements of the Republic of Armenia and Artsakh, the process of construction of new settlements for them in the territory of the Artsakh Republic, as well as other issues were on the discussion agenda.

The Head of the State presented the measures envisaged by the 2022 State budget in that direction, social assistance programs, noting that development programs will be implemented in parallel with them.

“The construction of new settlements for the forcibly displaced people does not mean that the Artsakh authorities are retracting from the demand for the restoration of the territorial integrity. It remains one of the key directions of Artsakh’s foreign policy,” Arayik Harutyunyan said.

The Office of the NKR President

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