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“I do not believe that Armenia will build relations with Turkey at the expense of violating its own interests”: Zareh Sinanyan

December 24,2021 15:50

“I can not imagine how to persuade the Diaspora to support a process I do not know much about,” said Zareh Sinanyan, High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs of the RA Prime Minister’s Office, at an online press conference on December 23, answering the question how to persuade the Diaspora to support  the Armenian-Turkish process.

“It is in our security interests to have normal relations with our neighbors, but they should not be built at the expense of our national honor, the future of the nation, or our identity. This is understandable,” Zareh Sinanyan expressed conviction.

He noted, “Until now, I have not seen any sign that anything is being done with Turkey. It is being done at the expense of our national problems and history. Therefore, I will not be able to persuade the Diaspora to support relations with Turkey if they ignore some facts or truths that Turkey must accept if we want to have humane, normal relations. It is a difficult and heavy issue. In any case, I am convinced that Armenia will not build relations with Turkey at the expense of violating its own interests. I do not believe that.”


Luiza Sukiasyan

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