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“Pashinyan can not be forgiven for the document he signed, you can not buy the security of your people at the expense of the blood of others”: Gary Kasparov

January 10,2022 11:44

“These were tragic events for Armenia. He is a democratically elected leader, he has won the last elections, before that he came to power as a result of a peaceful revolutionary wave. He came to power because the security forces were not ready to shoot at the people at that time,” said Gary Kasparov, a world-famous chess player with Armenian roots, in one of his interviews, referring to the events taking place in Armenia. According to him, the situation in Armenia is monstrous now.

Speaking about Nikol Pashinyan’s policy, Gary Kasparov said, “I think he will never wash that blood off his hands. You can not buy the security of your people at the expense of the blood of others.” According to Kasparov, now Armenians are completely dependent on Russia.

“Or rather, dependent on Putin. But it is impossible to buy the security of one’s own people with the blood of another people. And no matter what excuse Pashinyan presents for the document he signed, there can be no forgiveness. He signed the document because he is the head of the CSTO. It is clear that this is Putin’s pocket organization, today we understand why it was created. This organization was created to meet the mythical challenges. No one is attacking anyone, no NATO is threatening anyone. Even China is not a threat, the Taliban are far away. The CSTO is a structure for maintaining dictatorship. Putin is maintaining his dictatorship, it was done in Syria, in Venezuela.”

According to the world-famous chess player, the tragic events in Kazakhstan showed that there are no prosperous dictatorships in the world, that all dictatorships are the same, that as soon as a dictatorship is in danger, dictators use force. “What is happening in Kazakhstan is a serious lesson, a signal for Putin and his entourage. Putin and his entourage are not yet fully aware that if events like the one in Kazakhstan take place in Russia, no one will come to their aid.”

Referring to the policy pursued by the West, Gary Kasparov said, “Putin’s regime now rules the entire post-Soviet space, and Putin has become a dictator. Here it is clear to us that the West must take this fact into account, of course, everyone has noticed the silence of the Western countries, because it was a shock to them. Obviously, Putin is a threat, which we have been saying for a long time.”

According to Gary Kasparov, now Ukraine will receive more support – it is a new challenge for Putin. “If the West is ready to go for real sanctions that will ‘hit’ the oil and gas sector and start hunting down Putin’s oligarchs, I think the Kazakh events in Russia may start sooner than many of us think.”


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