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Artsakh President says developments in Kazakhstan dangerous for neighboring regions

January 10,2022 14:40  The developments in Kazakhstan are worrying and dangerous not only for Kazakhstan, but also for neighboring countries and neighboring regions, President of the Artsakh Republic said in a statement.

“It is obvious that extremist groups and formations are involved in destabilizing the situation and planning to create a zone of terrorism and instability around it in Kazakhstan,” he said, adding that “radical Pan-Turkic circles are obviously actively involved in the process.”

“Developments in the current situation indicate that the most effective and efficient mechanism for preventing the escalating danger and avoiding new disasters was the entry of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) peacekeeping forces into Kazakhstan, which took place at the request of the Kazakh authorities.” the President noted.

According to him, due to the timely intervention of the CSTO Collective Forces, in particular, the peacekeeping mission of the Russian Federation, the relevant bodies of Kazakhstan pursue the fight against organized crime and its neutralization.

Thus, he said, it became possible to prevent the destabilization of the situation in Central Asia and neighboring regions, which would definitely be a serious threat to the security of Artsakh and Armenia.

“Not long ago, in September 2020, during the large-scale war unleashed by Azerbaijan, we personally witnessed the most brutal manifestations of extremism and terrorism. With serious efforts by a number of members of the international community, in particular, due to the decisive contribution of Russia and the role of the Russian peacekeeping mission, it was possible to stop the war, reduce tensions and establish stability in our region,” Harutyunyan added.

He emphasized that the example of Kazakhstan and a number of other countries has once again demonstrated the need to develop coordinated approaches and practical cooperation on international and regional security issues, in particular the threat posed by extremist organizations and groups.

“And in general, the modern security, economic, ecological and many other challenges reaffirm that the promotion of integration processes, the establishment of a new level of cooperation, the formation of various union structures have become imperative, a more viable way to minimize various threats, and effective mechanisms to combat them,” President Harutyunyaan concluded.

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