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Davit Babayan: “We will continue to actively and persistently defend the interests of Artsakh”

January 20,2022 16:28

On January 19, the annual press conference of Foreign Minister of the Republic of Artsakh David Babayan took place in the conference hall of the Foreign Ministry.

The Foreign Minister briefed the journalists on the activities of the Foreign Ministry in 2021, highlighting the works to be carried out in the current year.

“We will continue to actively and persistently defend the interests of Artsakh, our independence and sovereignty, and in every way strengthen the pan-Armenian unity – the Armenia-Artsakh-Diaspora trinity”, David Babayan stressed, speaking about the philosophy of the foreign policy of the Republic of Artsakh in 2022.

According to Minister Babayan, the international recognition of Artsakh, establishing and developing relations with different countries and their entities, deepening ties with the Armenian Diaspora structures and organizations, working towards the settlement of the Azerbaijan-Karabagh conflict, maintaining and cementing the status of Artsakh as a geopolitical actor will be the main directions of the activities of the Foreign Ministry of Artsakh.

Touching upon the foreign policy strategy and tactics for 2022, the Foreign Minister, in particular, stressed:

“We will pursue a proactive, tough and targeted foreign policy, at the same time, with an information component, which is as restrained as possible and devoid of advertising, guided by the motto of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – “More action, less talk”.

During the press conference, the Minister answered the journalists’ questions related to the challenges facing the foreign policy of Artsakh in the post-war period, problems arising in the context of new realities, the negotiation process, the status of Artsakh, and gave the necessary clarifications.

The Minister thanked the media representatives for the close cooperation with the Foreign Ministry and for their work aimed at presenting the stance of Artsakh, expressing hope that the efficient cooperation will be continued.

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