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Deputy reminds the ombudsman candidate of the authorities’ definitions of “Azerbaijani territories”

January 24,2022 16:04

“Please give a clear, targeted assessment to the thoughts of the government representatives that there are roads and territories in our country that do not belong to Armenia. This is in the case when there was no demarcation and delimitation,” Anna Grigoryan, a member of the Armenia alliance, asked Kristine Grigoryan, nominated by the Civil Contract for the position of Human Rights Defender, at the parliament’s plenary session on Monday.

Kristine Grigoryan first mentioned, “Demarcation and delimitation are a very complicated process and they have a political component, but when looking at the OSCE practice, it is obvious that the issues of ensuring the normal life of the population are considered equally with the solutions of political issues. Therefore, to speak with uncertainty about ‘roads’ or what ‘some people say…’ My approach is that the ombudsman should be present in any process.”

The candidate also pointed out that security should not be cut off from a person and his rights, but the idea of ​​a security zone should not be fetishized. Anna Grigoryan did not agree, “If the creation of a security zone based on the protection of rights is your principled position, then you should have completely condemned the statements that consider our territories Azerbaijani. You can not maneuver, you must have a clear position. It is due to the principle that the Human Rights Defender gains prestige in society.

I will give you another opportunity to say it. It is necessary to give a clear assessment to the statements of the ruling deputies.” Kristine Grigoryan responded, “I did not come to maneuver or find other solutions. The legislative guarantees given to the Human Rights Defender are enough to make any statement, but the statement should not be the only tool.”

Anna Grigoryan also inquired whether there were political prisoners in Armenia. The ombudsman candidate answered that according to the PACE monitoring commission, there are no political prisoners in Armenia, and she agrees with that position.


Luiza Sukiasyan

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