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PACE elects its Vice-Presidents

January 24,2022 22:22

At the opening of its Winter plenary Session today, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) elected its Vice-Presidents:

Jonathan Attard (Malta)
José Badia (Monaco)
Theodora Bakoyannis (Greece)
Marta Grande (Italy)
Antonio Gutiérrez (Spain)
John Howell (United Kingdom)
Darko Kaevski (North Macedonia)
Elvira Kovács (Serbia)
Armin Laschet (Germany)
Arkadiusz Mularczyk (Poland)
Zsolt Németh (Hungary)
Ria Oomen-Ruijten (Netherlands)
Mihail Popoşoi (Republic of Moldova)
Ingjerd Schou (Norway)
Ionuț-Marian Stroe (Romania)
Nicole Trisse (France)
Maja Vukićević (Montenegro)
Ahmet Yildiz (Turkey)
Vacant seat (Portugal)

As regards the election of a Vice-President in respect of the Russian Federation, the Assembly decided to hold, on Tuesday 25 January, a vote by secret ballot on the election of the candidate proposed by the Russian delegation, Piotr Tolstoy.

Twenty Vice-Presidents are elected annually at the beginning of an ordinary session and remain in office until the opening of the next session (but a Vice-President whose delegation is renewed in the course of a session does not remain in office).

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