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“In June-July of this year, the last contract soldier who is a citizen of the Republic of Armenia will leave Artsakh”: Hayk Mamijanyan

January 27,2022 12:22

Hayk Mamijanyan, the secretary of the I Have Honor opposition faction, spoke about the army at a press conference at the Henaran press club on January 26, noting that their “junta representatives” had started the process of dismantling and demoralizing the army before 2018. The politicians continue to methodically dismantle the army, violating the ranking system, calling on their own commander to bypass reporting to the political authorities, devaluing the honor of an army officer, changing the plan to buy weapons, presenting strawberries and underwear as the main achievements, and so on.

According to the opposition MP, the reforms launched by the ruling party in the army are, in fact, a continuation of dismantling the army. “Ask the parents of the soldiers in Syunik where it is safer to serve- in Artsakh during Serzh Sargsyan’s administration in Armenia, or in Vardenis, Gegharkunik, or any part of Syunik during Nikol Pashinyan’s administration in Armenia?

In June-July of this year, the last contract soldier who is a citizen of the Republic of Armenia will leave Artsakh,” Mamijanyan said, adding that both Armenia was the guarantor of Artsakh’s security, and Artsakh was the guarantor of Armenia’s most basic, physical security, although the problem is deeper. In any case, the opposition MP is sure that our army has been and will remain the guarantor of our state’s security and will be under everyone’s care.


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