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“It would be good for Lukashenko to go to his Minsk airport, which is more like a pigsty”: The deputies’ reaction to the President of Belarus

February 08,2022 14:04

In an interview with Vladimir Solovyov, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said that other republics in the post-Soviet space could join Belarus and the Russian Federation in a united country, most likely Armenia, because “nobody needs it.” On Tuesday, Civil Contract MP Vagharshak Hakobyan announced in the parliament that Lukashenko made inadmissible, inappropriate statements to the head of state.

“These qualifications are really reprehensible. The leader of our partner country has no right to express such thoughts towards the other partner. I want to remind you of who needed Armenia during the Kazakh events. Mr. Lukashenko knows the best who needed Armenia and who still needs it.”

Civil Contract deputy Hovik Aghazaryan also responded, “Lukashenko and Margarita Simonyan are doing a disservice to the Russian authorities. Before making such assessments, it would be good for Lukashenko to go to his Minsk airport, which is more like a pigsty.”


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