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Кindergarten renovated with EU support opens in Yerevan

February 11,2022 11:22

The first kindergarten in Armenia renovated under the ‘E5P Armenia: EIB Energy Efficiency’ project was opened on 9 February in Yerevan. The Head of the European Union Delegation to Armenia, Ambassador Andrea Wiktorin, took part in the ribbon cutting ceremony.

Kindergarten N36 is one of 90 kindergartens in the Armenian capital Yerevan that will be refurbished to improve their energy efficiency, seismic stability and sanitary conditions in the context of the COVID-19 situation. The refurbishment of six of them started last spring.

The effort is a part of the €15 million Yerevan Energy Efficiency Project, in which a €7 million loan from the European Investment Bank (EIB) is complemented by a €5 million grant from the multi-donor Eastern Europe Energy Efficiency and Environmental Partnership Fund (E5P), a technical assistance grant of €1 million from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) via UNDP, and €2 million of Yerevan Municipality’s own funds. The European Union is the largest contributor to the E5P Fund.


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