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Baku’s intentions to “arrest” Artsakh President void of any legal basis, Armenia’s Justice Minister says

February 16,2022 17:05 The criminal prosecution of Artsakh President Arayik Harutyunyan by the Azerbaijani law enforcement agencies has no international legal basis, Minister of Justice Karen Andreasyan told reporters today.

“Any reasonable person understands that this criminal case cannot have any international legal basis. The people of Artsakh organized self-defense during the war unleashed by Azerbaijan. It is illogical to carry out legal prosecution for self-defense,” Andreasyan said.

The comments come after Nemat Avazov, head of the Investigation Department of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Azerbaijan, said Azerbaijani law enforcement officers would “arrest” Artsakh President Arayik Harutyunyan. According to Azerbaijani sources, the Baku Prosecutor’s Office accuses Harutyunyan of “missile attack on Ganja.”


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