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There is a misconception in Armenia that “Russia deceived us during the war”: Hrant Bagratyan

February 22,2022 11:44

“For one reason or another, the Armenian authorities are keeping calm about the Artsakh issue, but there is an issue and it is the number one issue,” said former Armenian Prime Minister Hrant Bagratyan during a meeting with the NKR President and parliamentary faction leaders. The delegation of Armenian intellectuals, which was in the Republic of Artsakh on February 18-20, left with a message.

The dates of the visit were chosen symbolically. Thirty-four years ago on those days, the Armenians of Artsakh stood up to defend their rights. On February 20, 1988, the special session of the NKAO Council of People’s Deputies made a decision, calling on the Supreme Council of Azerbaijan to withdraw from its membership, the Supreme Council of Armenia to be included in it, and the USSR to satisfy that request. The request was based on legal norms and precedents for resolving such controversial issues in the USSR.

Hrant Bagratyan spoke about the goals of the mission – to create a group of intellectuals, up to a hundred people, who will constantly voice that the Artsakh issue is not resolved and the way to a final solution is political. The council will pursue only the issues of national security and Artsakh, it is an apolitical structure. The question is, what should we do next so that we do not make mistakes this time? “There are changes in international politics, there is a transition from a global to a regional world. Our clear approach in this transition is that we must be where the solution to the Artsakh issue will be. Turkey or Russia will solve this issue in the region,” Hrant Bagratyan said.

There is an opinion in Armenia that Russia deceived us during the war. Hrant Bagratyan assures how much we benefit from it or how much it corresponds to the reality, it is not so. “I still think it is very difficult to help us, but we deserve help and we deserve help if we can show the right resistance.” The President of the Republic of Artsakh presented a bottle to Hrant Bagratyan.

“This is the land of Artsakh, mixed with blood, which is not for sale.” “This is an attempt to unite the Armenians again, to return to the atmosphere of 1988. There will be interesting political events ahead and they will not always be to our detriment, but we must be vigilant so as not to miss them,” said Hrant Bagratyan.



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