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Taguhi Tovmasyan. Azerbaijani parliamentarians are promoting evident aggression: Еuronest assessment needed

February 25,2022 21:21
Two members of the parliament of Azerbaijan, participating the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly in Armenia, visited Yerevan’s Blue Mosque yesterday and misrepresented the reality.
Tair Mirkishili, one of them, posted on the social media platform: “… As far as we know, it is the only Azerbaijani preserved monument in Yerevan. Although there are inscriptions on the walls of the monument about another state, its walls, architecture, and soul belong to us. We felt the sense of kinship, and I believe the mosque did as well. We believe that the true masters will be able to offer their prayers in this mosque in the near future”.
Azerbaijani parliamentarians should be acquainted with history and historical facts, which are consistently bypassed. The Blue Mosque in Yerevan, also known as Persian Gök Jami was built by Hussein-Ali Khan in 1766. This is evidenced by ancient inscriptions on the walls of the Blue Mosque, one of the symbols of Armenia-Iran friendship. And today the mosque, located in the center of Yerevan, continues to appear as a religious and cultural center for the Iranians and tourists visiting Armenia.
Perhaps the preservation of the cultural and religious values of another country is not typical for azeris, and they are familiar with the psychology of those, who commit genocide, also the psychology of a destroyer, the realization of which enables to present everything as their own in the future. But such behavior by deputies is ridiculous, and writing “Irevan” instead of “Yerevan” is absolutely unacceptable.
It should be stated that Azerbaijani parliamentarians are in Armenia on the European inter-parliamentary format, but they are promoting evident aggression, which should be assessed by Euronest.
And as the world is silent, the Azerbaijani deputies announced in the center of Yerevan that the “true owners” of the mosque will return soon.
Where will you come..? Shall we be silent now too?


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