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15 Families Displaced from Artsakh Have Become Homeowner

March 07,2022 17:03

Viva-MTS and the “Fuller Center for Housing Armenia” support families who lost homes to the recent war and have moved from Artsakh to resettle in different regions of Armenia. In 2021, owing to the housing project, houses were built for 15 displaced families. The other beneficiaries are families from the socially vulnerable group.

The Khachatryan family from Artsakh moved to Agarakadzor village of Vayots Dzor region after the 44-day war. The family father was an ambulance driver. He recalls transporting the injured under the bombardments at the same time thinking of his youngest son, Gurgen, who was on the frontline. After the war, the Khachatryans moved to Vayots Dzor leaving there whatever they have created during many years – their home, their garden, and the small farm. In Vayots Dzor, they purchased an old semi-dilapidated house with a leaking roof and moved to live in there.

Owing to the support of Viva-MTS and the “Fuller Center for Housing Armenia”, the building has turned into a decent home with all necessities. The heads of the partner organization visited the Khachatryans to share with them the joy of housewarming.

“IN 1999, my family moved from Nor Hajn to Karegah village of Kashatagh community with the hope of a new life. We all have been working strenuously at the same time trying to be engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding. Due to war, we have lost everything… It was very hard; however, we have done our best. We do not have the right to despair. Here, in Agarakadzor, my youngest son has already gotten engaged. We are starting a new page in our life,” said the father of the family, Gevorg.

The elder son of the family works for police, the youngest son is going to become a military serviceman. Gevorg and his wife are now retired; nevertheless, they are full of vigor, and are ready to help their children with whatever they can.

“Years ago, as I was sharing the importance of our partnership, I would put an emphasis on its long-term impact, saying that its positive outcomes were there to stay for many years after the program was over. After having contacted so many families over years I have now found a more accurate definition for it: this program makes people live. It is a fundamental instrument to inspire hope and faith in people’s hearts. When a person in a remote village facing the burden of own problems knows there is someone to rely on, that person believes in oneself, makes efforts and overcomes the problems while keeping one’s head up. That is a crucial indicator for us,” Viva-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian said.

“In the housing project of 2021, the families displaced from Artsakh were in the priority list. I am confident that this family will regain peace, and the memories of displacement will stay in the past,” said the “Fuller Center for Housing Armenia” President Ashot Yeghiazaryan.

Viva-MTS has invested over AMD 230 mln into the housing project implemented in 10 regions of Armenia, as a result of which 87 families benefitted in 2021.

MTS Armenia CJSC

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