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Thanks to these outstanding diplomats and statesmen, Artsakh and Armenia have survived to this day-David Babayan

March 31,2022 17:30

The key components of conducting an effective foreign #policy, of course, are professionalism and patriotism. Professionalism and patriotism are forged by appropriate upbringing and education. It is a continuous, never-ending process. In this context, it is of particular importance to study the history of diplomacy, including national one, know key events and actors, pride in them and their achievements. Here, the #Armenian diplomacy, especially its Artsakh segment, has truly fundamental achievements.

The 13th century was especially important for achievements, a truly fateful period of our history. Then the Mongol conquests began, which radically changed the geopolitical landscape of the world and the history of mankind.

Mongolian conquests destroyed many countries, killed millions of people. Among the regions most affected by their invasions and the military-political battles taking place there were the Caucasus, Near and MiddleEast. In these difficult conditions, Artsakh diplomacy, without exaggeration, managed to save the Armenian people from terrible and, perhaps, irreparable losses. This was done under the leadership of one of the greatest representatives of the Armenian people, statehood and diplomacy Hasan-Jalal – the Great Duke of Khachen and King of Artsakh. Thanks to his multi-layered policy, visits to the capital of Mongolia, Karakorum, meetings and negotiations with the Great Mongol Khan, not only Artsakh, but all of Eastern Armenia and part of Western #Armenia escaped the Mongol invasions. Moreover, the Mongols began to help the Armenians in the fight against other enemies.

Cilicia and other segments of Western Armenia were saved from the Mongol invasions by the king of the Cilician Armenian Kingdom Hetum I, who was a representative of the Artsakh princely family. He also visited the capital of the Mongol Empire, negotiated with the Great Khan of the Mongols. By the way, it was Hasan-Jalal who helped him in this undertaking.

Thanks to these outstanding diplomats and statesmen, Artsakh and Armenia have survived to this day.

Let’s remember these great people. We have so much to learn and be proud of.


Foreign Minister of the Republic of Artsakh David Babayan


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