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Do not forget the services, but…

April 02,2022 10:33

There is a monument in Saratoga National Historical Park, USA, which looks like boots. The inscription on that statue states, “In memory of the most brilliant soldier of the Continental Army who was desperately wounded winning for his countrymen the decisive battle of the American Revolution and for himself the rank of Major General.”

There is no face for that “honored general”- not even his name. But we know who it is talking about. Benedict Arnold fought valiantly in the American Revolutionary Army during the War of Independence. He was one of George Washington’s closest allies. However, after a few brilliant victories, Arnold resented his commander, who, in his opinion, did not appreciate his merits enough, and after some time sided with the enemy- that is, the English.

During one of the battles, he captured a former officer in the US Army and asked:  “What will you do to me if I suddenly take you prisoner?” The officer answered, “We will bow before the foot that liberated our land from the British, and we will hang the rest of your body from the very first tree.” That is why the statue of Benedict Arnold was erected and his name is not officially mentioned.

I remembered this story in connection with the national hero, Minister of Emergency Situations Andranik Piloyan and the participant of the war, Deputy Mayor of Avan Nerses Poghosyan. Fortunately, they are not traitors. The first, according to the Anti-Corruption Committee, is accused, among other offenses, of hiring people for bribes, and the second, according to police, found a small amount of hashish. It seems that no one is inclined to defend Piloyan; he is not a member of the political team, and that is probably what gave them the opportunity to file a criminal case against him. Poghosyan, as it seems, is a much more politicized person, and the way to justify him is quite significant. “Cannabis was found in his military uniform.” That is, if it was found in a tuxedo, it would be a reprehensible act, and in this case, possession of drugs is probably quite justified.

It is obvious to me that taking part in the war and possibly showing courage can not justify any illegal act. Those who fought for the homeland must bear the same responsibility before the law as other citizens. Another issue is that the circumstances of this last war are not known to the general public. In particular, it is not clear for which battles and actions Andranik Piloyan was awarded the title of National Hero. If he was not a spy and did not act under someone else’s name behind the enemy, then his heroic deeds should be made public.

On the other hand, possible crimes committed in peacetime should not cast a shadow over the services rendered by the people during the war. Even when we lost that war.

Aram Abrahamyan

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