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“There will be no large-scale military operations, but local operations by Azerbaijan are not ruled out”

April 11,2022 12:22

“There will be no large-scale actions against Artsakh and Armenia, not only because the West or Russia will not allow it, or because our armed forces are able to prevent it in any case, but also because it makes no sense for Azerbaijan. Why launch large-scale hostilities in Artsakh now or create serious problems for itself, if it has a strategy of exerting pressure with a clear policy?” political scientist Benjamin Poghosyan said during a discussion at the Article 3 Press Club on April 8, referring to the possibility of military action by Azerbaijan.

“And it is not clear why it should start military operations against Armenia. In any case, Armenia is a subject of international law. What will Azerbaijan achieve with that? It is not clear,” Benjamin Poghosyan added.

According to him, in the near future there is no need to wait for a peace agreement, nor for demarcation, nor for anyone to recognize Artsakh’s independence. “And no one will force Azerbaijan to withdraw its troops from the former Nagorno-Karabakh territories. Azerbaijan will continue its working style, and what will we do to counteract all this?”

Political scientist Tigran Grigoryan, in his turn, said that he agrees that there will be no large-scale military operations, but local operations by Azerbaijan are not ruled out. “Like the model of Parukh, they enter a village or want to capture a strategic height. They have designated heights and villages, the control of which will be a priority for them in the coming years. This has already caused a serious security crisis in Artsakh.”

Luiza Sukiasyan

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