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What agenda to unite around?: The people of Kapan demanded a clear action plan from the opposition deputies

April 14,2022 19:10

Some of the deputies of the Armenia faction of the National Assembly had meetings with the voters in Syunik on April 13. In Meghri and Agarak they raised the flag of Artsakh and visited the border settlements of Tsav and Nerkin Hand. “I often visit Syunik, and a few days ago I was in Nerkin Hand. Today it turns out that the Azerbaijanis have not only set up a position in our territory, but are also actively building a road to that position,” said Anna Grigoryan, a Kapan-born MP, during a meeting with Kapan residents in the small hall of the Kapan Cultural Center. According to her, by raising the flag of Artsakh in different communities of Armenia, it shows that we do not intend to finally surrender.

“Moreover, we will unite the people, the people who really appreciate statehood. We must unite and present to the world that the people who are in power in Armenia do not determine the Armenian identity, the type of Armenian. There are people who do not agree with the losing policy,” said Grigoryan.

The participants of the meeting mentioned in their speech that everything that the deputies said was not news and everyone is aware of the situation. The citizens wanted the deputies to know the way out of the situation, to listen to the proposed options. “What agenda should we unite around: to take to the streets, the status agenda? If we lost a country, we lost Artsakh. Bring us around the actions, tell us what our clear actions are,” Gor Matevosyan asked the deputies.

According to the latter, he was born in Yerevan, but now lives in Kapan. Answering the question, MP Artur Khachatryan particularly mentioned that in order to apply for any action, one must have a resource base. “In order to increase that base, you must be able to keep supporters and at the same time try to bring people from the third large group to this field. At the moment, it is difficult to bring people from the Pashinyan field,” said Khachatryan.

According to the latter, people should be awakened, because the resources they have are still not enough for a decisive step. “Nikol Pashinyan has no right to speak on behalf of the people. He received only 25% of the people’s vote. That 75% must join our struggle. I’m not saying everyone, at least many will join,” Artur Khachatryan concluded his speech.

MP Armen Gevorgyan agreed with the point of view of the people of Syunik. “We do not have a clear agenda. We respond to the government’s agenda. We do not offer ready-made prescriptions at the moment, but you should get the answers to our actions quickly, “Armen Gevorgyan said. According to him, the rally organized by the opposition on April 5 gave them hope that they are not alone.

“The impression was that they do not understand us or there is no such public demand for an active policy,” said Armen Gevorgyan. “The issues remain unresolved for years. They have not received a solution in the last four years, they were raised during the previous government, but they have not received a solution. For example, the gasification of Meghri and Agarak started a long time ago, but people still do not have gas,” said Armen Gevorgyan.

Armen Gevorgyan was concerned about why Syunik showed such a result in the last parliamentary elections.

“I am deeply convinced that a considerable part of the republic, especially the rural, regional settlements are sitting on the Public Television propaganda. The opposition does not have that opportunity, “said Armen Gevorgyan, adding that now they use the podium of the parliament to convey their ideas to the people in that way. At the end of the meeting, the deputies of the Armenia faction assured that similar gatherings will be organized regularly from now on.



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