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“The idea ‘Artsakh has no future within Azerbaijan’ was perhaps not right”: CP deputy

April 15,2022 13:03

The deputy of the Civil Contract faction Vigen Khachatryan expressed noteworthy thoughts at the April 14 sitting of the National Assembly. First of all, he mentioned that back in 1996, the idea expressed by Levon Ter-Petrossian at the ANM Congress that the forcible domination of one people over another was unacceptable was launched. “The idea was put forward that Artsakh has no future within Azerbaijan. Years have passed, and today we can say that it was not right, in my opinion.”

According to Vigen Khachatryan, we did not analyze how the Armenian villages were evacuated during the “Ring” operation. “The Artsakh movement of 1988 led to the eviction of Armenians from plain Artsakh. 500,000 Armenians could not continue living in the historical homeland. We have lost a significant part of the NKAO, where Armenians no longer live. What is our goal, to be heroically destroyed or to live and develop?” Last year Vigen Khachatryan’s assertion that “Armenia has no future without Artsakh” was dangerous was also criticized.


Luiza Sukiasyan

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