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OxYGen Foundation Implements Projects with Parliament

April 20,2022 16:04

The OxYGen Foundation began the work of the National Assembly-Civil Society cooperation platform. Monthly meetings would be designed, agenda and a list for debating urgent items had been revised. The Executive Director of OxYGen Foundation Margarita Hakobyan noted about this on April 19 during the meeting with the Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs Taguhi Tovmasyan.

The Chairs of the Standing Committees on Labor and Social Affairs and on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs in rotation order, according to the themes, will moderate the discussions of the platform meetings. The UN Development Modern Parliament for a Modern Armenia Project also supports the initiative.

Margarita Hakobyan has informed that cooperating with the National Democracy Institute, OxYGen Foundation implements the project Promoting More Gender-sensitive Legislation in Armenia.

Two-day courses are scheduled for the deputies, assistants, employees of the Staff and the experts. The aim is the strengthening of the capacities and abilities for gender legislation. The proposals will be discussed with the gender experts, testing a number of projects put into circulation will be carried out, as well as use of toolkits and mechanisms.

Taguhi Tovmasyan highlighted the activities of the Foundation and expressed readiness to jointly work. She has informed that the legislative initiative, which proposes to eliminate the state duty in the cases under appeal to the court by the women subjected to domestic violence, is ready. The initiative will be put into circulation at opportune moment.

During the meeting a number of issues for cooperation were discussed: it was noted that numerous projects could be jointly implemented.


The National Assembly

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